Friday of the 4th week of Easter year A
Theme: Blessed assurance
In the gospel reading of today Jesus makes it explicitly clear that he is “the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but by me”. Jesus is assuring us today that he is going to prepare a place for us, and he will return to take us to himself. This is a blessed assurance that is coming from Jesus himself and can be trusted and we will not be disappointed.
However, for us to be taken by Jesus when he comes again, we must live our lives in a way that is good and pleasing to God. If we truly know who Jesus is, it will go a long way towards helping us to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is expected that as followers of Christ, our goal will be to prepare our life as we await the second coming of Christ; this is because as children of God and followers of Christ, we will be glad if we attain salvation at the end of our earthly pilgrimage. The assurance of Jesus in the gospel reading of today, is a wonderful message of hope that should strengthen our resolve to be prepared and ready to meet Christ when he comes a second time.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, as we await the second coming of Christ, we are all encouraged to continue to work hard to win souls for Christ, by witnessing with our way of life. The action of St. Paul in todays 1st reading should also encourage us to do our best to promote Christ wherever we find ourselves. Not quite long ago, we read about how Saul persecuted the Christians, and since he encountered Christ on his way to Damascus, the story has changed. Saul whose name has now changed to Paul, is now winning souls for Christ as a witness. In the same way we are all encouraged to witness to the good news of Christ, by our way of life.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, when there is harmony between the word of God that we preach and our way of life, it becomes easier to win souls for Christ. That is why the change and conversion must begin with you; what you do not have, you cannot give. The journey for this change that we seek begins with all of us as individuals, before reaching out to other people. May the almighty God bless all our efforts to be ambassadors for Christ, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.