Thursday of the 13th week in the ordinary time of the year A

Gen. 22:1-19 Mat. 9:1-8

Theme: Obedience to God

In the 1st reading of today from the Book of Genesis, we see how God tested the faith of Abraham, by requesting that he sacrifice his only son Isaac. Ordinarily it is a very difficult situation that is presented to Abraham by God. Taking into consideration the fact that he gave birth to Isaac in his old age. He had no other child, and the death of Isaac simply means that he may end up without a child. However, it is also possible that he was willing to sacrifice his only son Isaac, trusting that God will give him another son to replace Isaac. Whichever way we decide to look at the situation of Abraham, one thing that is very certain is the fact that he was obedient to God and was willing to do anything that God commands him to do.

 It takes only a person of faith to accept to sacrifice his only son in his old age without grumbling or refusing to do it. The obedience exhibited by Abraham today challenges all of us as children of God in our own time. How many of us would have acted the same way as Abraham did, given the situation he found himself? God appreciated the faith and obedience of Abraham and presented the animal for sacrifice. God already knew what he was going to do from the very beginning, but only wanted to see how Abraham will respond to the situation presented to him by God. In whatever situation we find ourselves in life, never think you are alone, God is always by your side to protect, always direct and guide you. Just know that God will always ‘watch your back’. You are never alone; he is always with you.

The gospel reading from St. Mathew, presents to us the healing power of Jesus Christ. He restored the health of the paralytic man, and instead of the people to appreciate God for using him to restore the health of the sick man, they were more concerned about the language that Jesus used while healing the sick man. This is supposed to be a moment of celebration and thanksgiving because Jesus had just restored one of them to good health. But they were rather saying that Jesus has used blasphemy because it is only God that has the power to forgive sins. The question today from the gospel is, what is our priority? Faulting the words of Jesus or appreciating God for restoring the sick man to good health? May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.


Thursday of the 13th week in the ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp