Saturday of the 14th week in the ordinary time of the year A

Gen. 49:29-33; 50:15-26a   Mat. 10:24-33

Theme: Acknowledge God

Today the church celebrates the memorial of St. Bonaventure, a Franciscan and he is referred to as the Seraphic Doctor. He was a theology lecturer, and he also wrote some inspiring theological and spiritual books. He was later made a Bishop and cardinal in the church. One of the things we need to emulate St. Bonaventure is the fact that he made use of the intelligence given to him by God, to support the church of God. Thus, we are all encouraged today to make good use of the gifts God has given us for the common good of all.

This is because whatever gift we have today from God, should not be kept for us and our loved ones alone; use it for the common good of the people of God. This was what St. Bonaventure did by lecturing theologians, writing books, and serving the people of God as a priest, Bishop, and cardinal in the church. The more we make good use of the gifts that God has given us, the more he will continue to bless us. We see a practical example in the story of the talents, more was given to the person who had more than others already. Remember that you can never out do God in generosity, the more you are generous the more he will bless you. We are all encouraged today to appreciate his gifts by being charitable with whatever he has given to you.

In the gospel reading of today, Jesus admonishes his apostles and continues to prepare them for the task ahead. He strengthens their faith by saying that they should not be afraid of the powers of this world, who can only destroy the body, but cannot kill the soul. Rather they should be afraid of the person who can destroy both the soul and body in hell. In essence, God is simply telling us that if we must be afraid, then it should be the fear of God. Humans are limited and as such, our concern should be on how to accomplish the mandate God has given to all his followers. Never allow the difficulties and challenges encountered on this mission to stop you from carrying out the mission given to us by Christ. The more we continue to propagate the teachings of Christ, the more we will be acknowledging him in the world. Today Jesus points out the fact that he will only acknowledge those who acknowledge him in the presence of people, in the presence of his heavenly father. May almighty God bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.


Memorial of St. Bonaventure, year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp