Feast of St. James Apostle year A

2 Cor. 4: 7-15   Mat. 20: 20-28

Theme: The joy of discipleship

Today the church celebrates the feast of St. James, an Apostle of Jesus and the brother of John, he is one of the sons of Zebedee. St. James is the first among the Apostles to lay down his life for his faith in God. He worked zealously for the faith, following Jesus and the other Apostles from one place to the other. He was among the three privileged Apostles who experienced the miracle of the Transfiguration at the mountain top with Jesus. His zeal for the faith is seen in his desire to give everything for the sake of the gospel. Each time we celebrate our Ancestors in faith, it gives us the opportunity to also reflect on our lives as followers of Christ. These great men and women of faith has shown us the way, it is now left for us to make honest and sincere effort to emulate the quality of discipleship that they have left behind for us.

In view of this, we can begin by asking ourselves today about the quality of our discipleship. To what extent are we willing to go for our faith in God, and how much impact are we making in our circle of influence? Supposing the quality of our discipleship is put out for sale among the people of God, how many people will be willing to make it their own? These are sincere questions that will help us to appreciate what God has done for us and will continue to do for us. It is certain that we serve a faithful God, who is ever ready to fulfil his promises in our lives at any point in time. But the real challenge is, what are we willing to give for the sake of the kingdom of God? This is a very important question that needs a sincere answer from all of us as children of God. The more we are willing to give to promote the kingdom of God, the more we attract the blessings of God to ourselves and families. However, this decision is not without a price. It can come in different ways, but we should be strengthened by the fact that the result is worth all the stress and difficulties that we will encounter in our service of God and humanity.

Amidst the difficulties and challenges that we may encounter on our way, be assured that the grace of God will continue to strengthen you. Through the intercession of St. James may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Feast of St. James Apostle year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp