Saturday of the 17th week in ordinary time year A

Lev. 25:1.8-17       Mat.14:1-12

Theme: No peace for the wicked

In the gospel reading of today from Mathew, we see the restlessness of Herod, when he heard about the exploits of Jesus, it reminds him of John the Baptist whom he beheaded. This was an action he carried out sometime ago, because of the promise he made to his daughter. Today’s gospel reading reiterates the saying that there is no peace for the wicked. Herod had no peace of mind, that is why he is worried about the exploits of Jesus, he feels John has returned because he knows that he was a great prophet. There are a lot of things we can learn from the gospel reading of today. Herod got himself into this difficult situation when he collected his brother Philips wife, this is an action he would have been able to avoid without much difficulty, if he is not greedy and wicked.

Interestingly, the wife of Philip that he collected was also an evil woman, just like Herod. She was more comfortable with becoming the wife of King Herod because of her greed for comfort and a good life. Nobody had the courage to tell Herod that what he did was wrong, except John the Baptist and that led to his arrest by Herod. He could not accept the truth presented to him about his action by John the Baptist. It was the same thing for Herodias Philips’ wife, whom Herod had taken. When the daughter of Herodias danced and impressed Herod, he asked her to make a request, and the mother told her to request for the head of John the Baptist and that was how they killed him. This goes to show how far we can be driven by our desperation and greed.

This brings me to a very important question we can reflect on today, why do we find it difficult to accept the truth about ourselves, but rather fight the source? A sincere answer to this question may bring about a change of heart and a positive disposition. Let us try to accept the truth about ourselves and make an honest and sincere effort to make amends, instead of fighting those who have the courage to tell us to our face, instead of joining those who say it behind you. It takes humility to accept this fact and be open to it. But if we are conscious of the fact that we are not perfect people and can make mistakes, then it will make things a bit easier. As we make effort to make this happen in our life, may almighty God bless us in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Saturday of the 17th week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp