Saturday of the 20th week in ordinary time year A

Ruth 2:1-3.8-11;4:13-17      Mat.23:1-12

Theme: God rewards in his own way

Yesterday we talked about the great love Ruth had for Naomi and her family. In continuation today, we see how God in his own way rewarded the love that Ruth showed Naomi her mother in-law. Every good action that we carry out in love is greatly rewarded by God in his own way, this is exactly what todays 1st reading is presenting to us. Ruth went to the field to glean among the ears of grain, so that they would get something to eat. This was common practice at that time amongst the people. When the owner of the farm comes to harvest, something is left for others to collect to help themselves, and that is what Ruth went to do and God led him to Boaz who eventually married her.

Interestingly her good actions and relationship towards Naomi, her mother-in-law precedes her, and Boaz made mention of it, as they met. That is our human reality, the news about us gets to a place even before we arrive there physically. In the case of Ruth, her love and loyalty towards Naomi and her family attracted the blessings of God towards her. There is no good action that we do that goes unnoticed by God. He knows everything and he rewards us in his own time and in his own way. The fact that God knows should be enough reward for us, in any given situation.

The mistake we make sometimes is the fact that we want acknowledgement from people, and sometimes we may not get it and we become discouraged. The story of the ten lepers that Jesus healed should always be a source of strength and great support for us. Remember, ten lepers were healed but only one came back to say thank you to Jesus. That is our reality, but never allow it to stop you from showing people love, when you have the opportunity. It is God that matters most, and he has seen it and appreciates your good action. With this positive disposition towards other people’s plight, the blessings of God will abound in our lives.

In the Gospel reading of today, Jesus admonishes us to practice what we preach in our daily lives. That way we will be witnessing with our personal life and not just saying one thing and doing another thing like the Scribes and Pharisees in todays Gospel. We are all encouraged today to make honest and sincere effort to ensure that there is harmony between the word of God that we preach and listen to and the way we live our lives and put it into practice. May the Lord grant us the grace to be true witnesses, just like Naomi and Ruth, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Saturday of the 20th week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp