Saturday of the 21st week in ordinary time year A

1 Thes. 4:9-11    Mat. 25:14-30

Theme: Trust in God

In today’s gospel reading from St. Mathew, Jesus presents to his disciples the parable of the talents. A parable that we can easily relate with in one way or the other as individuals and followers of Christ. A good understanding of this parable will save us from some unnecessary stress that we give ourselves at one time or the other in our lives. The three servants were given talents according to their ability, and the account that was given at the end when the master returned, showed us that the master of the servant knew them very well. The person given the five talents had something more added, the same with the person with the two talents, but the person with the one talent remained with what he was given, and this greatly made the master angry, and he was treated accordingly.

The first thing we must learn from this parable is that God gives us his gifts according to our ability, use it wisely and God will bless you with more gifts as seen in the two persons who used their talents productively. There is no need been envious of the gifts that God has given to other people, just use what God has given you wisely and it will attract more blessings from God. Whatever gift he has given to you, should be used wisely and appreciate it, instead of complaining and longing for the gifts that God has given to other people.

If you use your gifts well, it will take you to heights beyond your expectation. The variety of gifts given to us by God is for a purpose and for the common good of all, it shouldn’t be a source of unnecessary rivalry. Appreciate your gifts and the gifts of one another and God will continue to bless us all. When we allow jealousy to take over us, we become like the servant that was given one talent and dug it in the ground until his master returned. When you fail to use the gifts that God has given you productively, you will be acting like that servant in the parable. That is a sign of somebody who is not appreciative of what he or she has received from God.

Today we are all encouraged to appreciate the gifts God has given to us and use them wisely to the greater glory of God and for the good of humanity. God means well for all of us, and he gives us what will bring out the best in us, when managed properly. May we not end up like the servant with the one talent, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Saturday of the 21st week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp