Thursday of the 26th week in ordinary time year A
Nehemiah 8:1-4a.5-6.7b-12 Luke 10: 1-12
Theme: The great commissioning
In the gospel of St. Luke, we see Jesus sending out the seventy people he appointed to go in pairs and visit the places he plans to visit. As he commissioned them, he prepared them for what awaits them in their mission. This great sending has continued, even in our own time. When we listen to the word of God and read the scriptures, we get a lot of insight about who God is and what is expected of us as Christians and children of God. Also, when we receive the sacraments of initiation, our knowledge of God is increased. All these put together, prepares us for what awaits us in the society in which we find ourselves, as children of God. We are ambassadors for Christ and should be able to take the good news of the kingdom of God to others. Like Jesus rightly pointed out, the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.
The situation is still true in our own time, the number of consecrated men and women is limited, compared to the number of people in need of their service. While we continue to pray for increase in the number of consecrated men and women, let us also contribute our quota towards promoting the kingdom of God in our families and in the society in which we live. All of us as children of God have a role to play towards making our society a better place. You don’t have to be consecrated person before you join in this great mission of Christ. The seventy people that were sent by Jesus were not Theologians, they were his followers, just like all of us who are Christians. The most important thing in this mission is for us to say, “Here I am Lord, send me”. Your openness and positive disposition to make yourself available is very important.
Another thing that we must be mindful of, as we embrace this mission of God is the fact that you will not always be accepted and welcomed by all those you meet. Jesus already prepared the minds of those he sent out; in case they encounter such a situation. If it happens to you, do not be discouraged, knowing fully well that you have done your job, just move on and leave everything to the Lord of the harvest; he will handle it in his own way. Continue your mission and trust in God, knowing you are working in his name. Always remember that we are all co-workers in the Lord’s vineyard. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.