Tuesday of the 30th week in ordinary time year A

Rom. 8: 18-25        Luke 13:18-21

Theme: A humble beginning

In the gospel reading of today from St. Luke, Jesus likens the kingdom of God to a grain of mustard seed a man took and sowed, he also likens it to a leaven used by a woman. One thing that comes out very clearly from the analogy of Jesus in St. Luke’s gospel is the fact that we must accept our humble beginning. Taking into consideration what the kingdom of God means to all of us as children of God and Christians. You can imagine Jesus using a mustard seed and leaven in his analogy. We must accept the fact that most big things and innovations that we celebrate today started from small and gradually continued to grow and develop, until it gets to the point when people begin to appreciate and celebrate it.

In view of this, let us be encouraged, as we continue to make efforts to attain heaven at the end of our life here on earth. Never be discouraged by the pace at which you are going, the most important thing is that you are not static; progress is made no matter how slow. Our quest for holiness and perfection is not automatic, and never be discouraged at your pace, just continue to do your best and live the rest to God. Remember, our desire to make heaven is not a competition, it is a personal race and hopefully we all will get to our destination, though at different times and in different ways. Always remember that as children of God, heaven is our goal and we must work for it with fear and trembling, if we truly want to make it at the end.

Also, in our practice of charity in our human relationships, it is also important to point out the fact that you don’t have to be very wealthy before you can share with the less privileged. The little you share with the less privileged makes a lot of difference in their lives and so many of them will always remember your good act towards them. Don’t wait until you have a lot before you share with people. If we all share the little we have with other people, you will be surprised that in no distant time, many people will be placed in a better situation than they were before now. Let us begin to sow little seeds in the life of all those who encounter us and put smiles on their faces. As you do this may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Tuesday of the 30th week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp