Saturday of the first week of Advent year B

Isaiah 30:19-21.23-26      Mathew 9:35-10:1.5a.6-8

Theme: Come and be a labourer

In our gospel reading of today from St. Mathew, the assertion of Jesus is directed at all of us as children of God and followers of Christ. In our own time, there are so many ways you can be a labourer in the harvest of God without been a priest or religious. We all can play a role towards the building of the Body of Christ. To be part of any of the ministries we have in the church that coordinates the activities that are done within the church is a wonderful way of been a labourer in the harvest of the Lord. What is needed from all of us is the positive attitude to work and our availability. We can decide from henceforth to cease to be a Sunday Sunday member in the church and decide to be a member of any of the ministries of our choice.

By so doing, we will be contributing our quota towards building the Body of Christ, at least within the context of our parish community. If we all resolve today to join any of the ministries we have in the church, it will help to reduce the pressure on the few people who have volunteered that time, energy, and resources towards the growth of the church. We all have something to contribute towards the harvest that Jesus is talking about in the gospel reading of today, it does not begin and end with the priests and religious. The need for more hands is seen in many of our parish communities. It could be in reading at mass, stewards at mass, serving at mass, and so many other aspects of our life as a community. Accept this invitation today and register with any of the ministries that interests you, and you will be richly blessed by God almighty.

In the first reading of today, the prophet Isaiah continues to give us a message of hope, telling us that all hope is not lost, because God is still on our side. All we need to do, is for us to be to repentant and return back to God, seeking for his forgiveness and mercy. He is waiting patiently to receive you, whenever you return back to him. So, what is keeping you from accepting the invitation of God today? God is waiting patiently for you, take that bold step today and be blessed. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Saturday of the 1st week of Advent year B, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp