Tuesday of the 2nd week of Advent year B

Isaiah 40: 1-11          Mathew 18: 12-14

Theme: The love of God

The theme for our reflection today, is seen in both the first reading and in the gospel. In the first reading the prophet Isaiah presents a message of hope to the people, telling them that God will not hold their sins against them, and he will free them from their bondage and give them a new life that is good and pleasing to God. All they need to do is to make efforts and mend their ways, while they prepare for the Lord. This shows the depth of Gods love for his people, he has readily forgiven them their sins and given them another opportunity to make amends and live a better life that is good and pleasing to God. It is only a loving father who does not desire the destruction of his children who will let go and give them another opportunity to right the wrongs in their life and become a better person.

We all have something great to learn from the way God deals with us as his children. Whenever we offend him and we return to him with remorse, he will always forgive us and let things go. In the same way dear friends in Christ, we also must emulate our heavenly father by making effort to let go, when people hurt or offend us. I understand that sometimes it can be very difficult humanly speaking, but the grace of God is always sufficient for us, if we truly desire to let it go. Our source of strength should always be God at such moments and the saying that “when there is will, there is always a way”. The most important thing is our sincere resolve to make effort to let it go.

Also, in the gospel reading from St. Mathew, we see the love of God for his people. He is willing to leave the 99 that are doing well, in search of the one that is not doing well. This goes to show the depth of his love for you, no wonder in the scripture Jesus said he came for the sinners, not the righteous. He desires that in the end, none of his children will be lost, and he goes all the way to ensure that this happens in our lives. That is why for God, everyone of us deserves another chance and he is always willing to let go. May God grant us the grace to let go when we are offended, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

Tuesday of the 2nd week of Advent year B, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp