Friday of the 2nd week of Advent year B

Isaiah 48: 17-19      Mathew 11:16-19

Theme: Listen to God

The admonition of the prophet Isaiah in the 1st reading of today is for all of us as children of God, and not only to the Israelites. When we listen to the word of God and put them into practice in our daily lives, it will bring us closer to God and attract the blessings of God to us. That is why the prophet in the 1st reading is pointing out the implications that await us, depending on the decision that we make at the end. The challenges of the Israelites stem from the fact that they were living their lives in the way they liked, without taking the commandments of God into consideration in their daily lives, and they had to face the implication of the choice they made, and it did not end well for them.

In view of this, we all are encouraged today to guide ourselves from falling into the same mistake that the Israelites made in their own time, so that it will not end in regret at the end of it all. We are all encouraged to make honest and sincere effort to put into practice the word of God that we hear and read daily in our lives. By doing so we will be impacting positively on the lives of all those who encounter us, while we also make our way to heaven. The most important thing in the admonition of the prophet Isaiah today, is our desire to make honest effort to live a life that is good and always pleasing to God. The more we can practice this daily in our lives, the more we will be enthroning the presence of God in the lives all those who encounter us.

However, you must know that it is not automatic, it is rather a process, and it will take some time for everything to work out as we want it. Never be discouraged, in this your journey of self-discovery, because there will be moments when you may falter and do the wrong thing. Do not give up, pick yourself up and continue to do your best. The more you make effort to become a better person, the more God will continue to bless your effort. Be rest assured that the grace of God will always be at your disposal to strengthen your efforts. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

Friday of the 2nd week of Advent year B, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp