Wednesday of the 3rd week of Advent

Isaiah 7: 10-14     Luke 1: 26-38

Theme: The love of God

As we continue to prepare for the coming of Christ, the church in her wisdom takes us back to the very beginning, where the story started. In the gospel reading of today from St. Luke, we are presented with the story of the annunciation, when Angel Gabriel visited Mary with the message of being the mother of God. In this story we have a lot to learn as followers of Christ. Remember that Mary was prepared for this role from the very beginning of her life, that is why she does not share in the original sin, she was pure and spotless. Humanly speaking, the message that was brought by the Angel is impossible, it cannot happen. Taking into consideration the fact that Mary does not know any man.

The situation surrounding the message of the Angel did not stop Mary from saying yes. She was ready and docile to the will of God in her life, that shows the level of faith and trust she had in God. She knew her yes had an implication for her as a young maiden without a husband. This was at a time when society did not accept such practice. She went beyond all these difficulties and said yes to God. As events unfolds, it became very clear that God had it all planned out from the very beginning and everything went as planned by God. This is exactly what faith in God can do in the lives of all those who trust in God.

There are situations we find ourselves sometimes in life, and we see it as a hopeless situation, at such moments, is your faith strong enough to believe that God is going to intervene and change the situation for better?  Or at such moments you follow the human assessment and give up? Let us be encouraged today, knowing fully well that it is God that have the final say in every situation we find ourselves in life, even when humanly speaking all hope seem to be lost. Always remember that for God nothing is impossible. When he gets involved, everything changes for the better, and no force or man can stop it.

We are all encouraged today to build such a faith in our lives, that will make us always look up to God, irrespective of any situation we find ourselves in life. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

Wednesday of the 3rd week of Advent, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp