Friday of the 3rd week of Advent

1 Sam. 1: 24-28      Luke 1: 46-56

Theme: A life of gratitude

In the two readings we have today, we see two different people, appreciating and thanking God for what he has done for them. In the 1st reading of today, we see Hannah the mother of Samuel appreciating God for the birth of Samuel, and in the gospel reading, we see our mother Mary appreciating God for what he has done in her life. As children of God, it is expected that it should be in our nature to be grateful and appreciative. Taking into consideration the fact that whatever we have or may have achieved is a gift from God. Our hard work or success will not manifest without the help of God. It is important to point out this fact, because sometimes you meet people who argue that their success is because of their personal effort or hard work. I want you to know that there are people as hardworking or even more than you but have not recorded your kind of success. In all things, let us learn to appreciate God for his goodness to us.

When we show gratitude, we have nothing to lose and it does not make us less who we are, rather it brings us more blessings from both God and humans. Sometimes because of our pride, some of us find it difficult to humble ourselves and say thank you to someone who has helped us in one way or the other. No matter how small you think the person is to you or the gift that you may have received from him or her, it doesn’t take anything from you when you show appreciation. When you go through the scriptures, you will see how great men and women showed appreciation to God for what he has done for them. Remember, your brothers and sisters around you are the god you see, so show appreciation when the need arises.

Remember the words of Jesus in the gospel of Mathew 25:35-40 (I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink and so forth). The season of Advent is a wonderful time to show appreciation to people, no matter what you have received from them, learn to say thank you. It may not be something big to you, but it means a lot to the giver, kindly appreciate it and God will continue to bless you. If our mother Mary can show gratitude for the blessings she received from God, let alone all of us as children of God. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

Friday of the 3rd week of Advent, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp