Friday of the octave of Christmas (29th Dec.)

1 John 2:3-11      Luke 2: 22-35

Theme: The commandments

In the 1st reading of today, St. John tells us that a sign that shows we know God is our ability to keep the commandments of God. So, if we say we know God, and do not keep his commandments then we are lying. When you keep God’s commandments then the love of God is perfected in you. By implication, we are encouraged to give love a chance in all that we do. When our words and actions are guided by the love of God, it is almost impossible to get it wrong. This will make it easier for us to partake in the life of Christ who is the light of the world. When this happens, works of darkness have no place any more in our life, and the light of Christ illumines everything that concerns us and all those who encounter us at one point or the other in our lives.

We are all encouraged today to live like children of the light by practicing the commandments of God in our daily lives. If we are still practicing the works of darkness in our lives, we are all encouraged today to do away with them and embrace the virtues presented to us by God himself in his word and sacraments of the church. It is never too late for us to retrace our steps and return to the right path that will lead us to eternal life. The Lord continues to invite us to live like children of the light in our daily life, especially during this time that we celebrate the birth of Christ, who gave his life for our salvation. The most important thing in this invitation presented to us today is our desire to make effort to do what is always good and right. The more we make effort to become a better person, the more the grace of God will continue to support us in our time of weakness.

In the gospel reading from St. Luke, we are presented with the story of the presentation of Jesus to the Temple according to the Law of Moses. In the Temple Simeon encountered the baby Jesus, and he was happy and fulfilled that he has had the opportunity to see Jesus. He also gave a prophecy about what awaits Jesus and his family in the future. Simeon enjoyed this privilege because he was a holy and righteous man, and the Holy Spirit directed him. You can also enjoy such favour from God, by obeying his commandments. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.


Friday of the octave of Christmas, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp