Tuesday of the 4rh week in ordinary time

2 Sam. 18: 9-10.14b.24-25a.30-19:3     Mark 5: 21-43

Theme: Jesus the healer

In the gospel reading of today from St. Mark, we see how Jesus healed the woman suffering from hemorrhage and brought back to life the daughter of Jairus who had died. The two situations presented to us in the gospel reading of today, we have a lot to learn as children of God and followers of Christ. In the encounter of the woman suffering with the issue of blood and Jesus, we see the height of her faith in Jesus Christ. She believed that if she can get the opportunity to just touch the cloak of Jesus, she will be restored to good health, and that was exactly what happened.  Knowing fully well the situation of the woman with the issue of blood, she must have made a lot of effort to keep the shame aside and go after Jesus the healer.

This stems from the fact that we know that blood smells, and she has gone through this situation for quite some time, and it is possible that people may be chasing her away from their midst, but she did not allow that to stop her from getting to Jesus. Instead, she persisted, and her effort eventually paid off for her, when she got the opportunity to touch the garment of Jesus. We were told that immediately, the blood flow ceased. That is the power of faith, it can do a lot for you, if only you believe and have it. Most times, if not all the time, your faith in God will never disappoint you, God will always come through for you, just like the woman with the issue of blood, and so many other people. I want to encourage you today to present that situation in your life today to God, trusting on your faith in him.

The story of the daughter of Jairus also presents to us, the great healer and restorer that we have as our God. When people came to report that the daughter of the ruler of the synagogue had died, Jesus simply said, “Do not fear, only believe”. At the end of the day, Jesus brought back the girl to life. This is the kind of God that we worship, a God that has it all and can bring back the dead to life. He has not changed; he is still the same and he can equally do it for you today in that challenging situation you have found yourself in life. We pray that God will increase our faith, especially when we find ourselves in challenging situations in our lives, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.


Tuesday of the 4th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp