5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Job 7:1-4.6-7 1Cor 9:16-19.22-23 Mark 1:29-39

Theme: Faith in God

On this fifth Sunday in ordinary time Year B, our readings encourage us to always have faith in God, no matter the situation we find ourselves in life. Our faith and steadfastness at such moments can change the narrative of our lives. In the first reading from the Book of Job, we see Job lamenting about his situation, though he did not lose faith in God. He was pained, because he was an upright man and could not understand the reason for his suffering. However, his faith and steadfastness won him victory at the end of his ordeal. It is possible that you may be going through one challenge or the other now; trust in God and remain steadfast, he will never disappoint you. He will come to your aid at his appointed time.


The response to the psalm, should be a source of hope and strength for us in times of difficulties and challenges. It says, “Praise the Lord who heals the broken hearted”. His healing is holistic, and it ends up as answered prayer. We must understand that difficulties and challenges of life are not always setbacks, sometimes they are means through which God leads us to where he wants us to be. The most important thing at such moments is to do our best as humans and have a firm faith in God.

In the second reading, we see the selflessness and passion in which St. Paul preached the Good News of Christ. He was driven by the zeal he had in preaching the gospel of Christ, and not by what he stands to gain from his ministry. This attitude that we see in the life of Paul, is worthy of emulation by ministers of the word of God in our own time. The physical reward or what we stand to get should never be the drive for ministers of the word of God. The word of God says that a labourer deserves his wage; this simply means that his ministers will not go hungry.


Also in the gospel, we see Jesus and his Apostles attending to all those who needed their services in one way or the other. Immediately they arrived at Peter’s house and Jesus healed his mother in-law that was having fever, they no longer had time for themselves, but continued to attend to all those who needed their attention. Interestingly, amidst all they had to do, Jesus still made out time to pray. It simply means that prayer is very important in our lives; we must make out time for prayer. My brothers and sisters in Christ let us make effort to always pray. We have no reason not to pray, there is power in prayer. It is a source of strength for all those who make use of it.

May God bless his word in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.




5th Sunday in the ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp