Monday of the 5th week in ordinary time

1 Kings 8: 1-7.9-13       Mark 6: 53-56

Theme: The faith of the people

Today the church celebrates the memorial of St. Agatha, virgin, and Martyr. She was able to stand the torture of her Martyrdom because of her faith in God. The role of faith in the worship of God can never be underestimated. No wonder Jesus said that if your faith is as small as the mustered seed, you will give a command and it will happen. It is faith in God that will give us the courage we need when we are faced with the challenges and difficulties of life and we will remain resolute without fear, trusting in God. It is this same faith that strengthened Saint Agatha whose memorial we celebrate today, without minding the pains she had to go through during her Martyrdom, during the persecution of Decius.

In the same way, many of our Ancestors in faith were driven to stand against their oppressors with courage without minding the consequences of the choice they have made for God. So many of them suffered because of their faith and eventually died like St. Agatha. Interestingly, many of those who were martyred, were happy dying for their faith in God. They did not mind the pain and torture they had to go through. Some of them even ended up praying for all those who were responsible for their persecution and death.

The celebration we have today and the gospel reading of today, is inviting us to always trust in God, no matter the situation we find ourselves in life. Our faith in God can completely change the narrative of our life. We see a practical example in the gospel reading of today from St. Mark. We are told that those who brought their sick people had faith that if they can touch the fringe of his garment, they will be healed, and we were told that all those who touch it were restored to good health. That is to tell you that your faith in God can go a long way towards making your life an answered prayer.

Whatever you are presently going through in your life now, should be taken to God in faith, trusting that he will intervene in your situation and grant you your heart desire. It doesn’t really matter what the situation is all about, take it to him with faith, and he will not disappoint you. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

Monday of the 5th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp