6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

     Leviticus 13:1-2.44-46 1 Cor. 10:31-11:1 Mark 1:40-45

Theme: God Loves us All

On this 6th Sunday of the year B in ordinary time, the 1st reading, and the gospel reading presents to us the situation of lepers, and how Jesus willingly shows mercy to everyone who comes to him, without minding what the people think about your situation. The love of God for his people is all inclusive, and it is not limited to any individual or group. We are all encouraged today to emulate this attitude and give everybody a chance when the need arises.

In the first reading from the Book of Leviticus, it presents to us the situation of lepers at that time. Their situation could be likened to one suffering from a very terrible disease. They are isolated and left outside the city where other members of the community are not found. They are said to be unclean and are avoided by the people.

But in the gospel of St. Mark, Jesus changed the narrative, by breaking the barrier between a leprous person and a healthy person. The leprous man came to Jesus in humility and faith; saying, if you will, you can make me clean. Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him, and said be clean. He was immediately restored to good health. The action of Jesus shows great love, unlike the usual experience of people avoiding one with leprosy. In the same way, we are all encouraged to stop creating walls and build more bridges that will help for healthy human relationship amongst us as people of God.

Interestingly, after healing the man with leprosy, Jesus warned him not to let the people know that he was responsible for the healing. But the man was too excited to keep the good news away from the people. The action of Jesus, challenges ministers of the word in our own time. Jesus was running away from the publicity that will come because of his healing power; while in our own time, miracles are publicised to increase the number of those who attend our ‘miracle centres’ instead of church.

In the second reading, St. Paul admonishes us to live lives that glorify God. Lives that are selfless and pleasing to God our Father. This kind of life are characterized by sacrifice and service. We are encouraged to be conscious of this fact in our daily lives. Let love always guide all your actions. May God grant us the grace to live a life that is founded on love, all the days of our lives. Peace be with you!




6th Sunday in the ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp