Friday of the 1st week of Lent

Ezekiel 18: 21-28    Mathew 5: 20-26

Theme: The love and mercy of God

The mercy of God resounds in both his words and in his actions. In the 1st reading of today the prophet Ezekiel points out the fact that God does not desire to see his creatures condemned or destroyed. His desire is for us to have life in abundance. In view of this, he emphasizes the need for us to be consistent in doing what is right and always pleasing to God, if we truly desire to make heaven at the end of our mortal life. He also shows us the depth of his mercy by accepting all those who turn away from their evil ways to embrace the message of love and peace that God is offering us as his children. Consistency in doing what is right and pleasing to God is a necessity in our journey of faith.


Like St. Paul would say, we must never get tired of doing what is right, no matter the temptation to deviate from the right path. However, let us do all within our power not to take fore-granted the love and mercy of God. As we enjoy the mercy and love of God in a very special way during this season of Lent, we are all encouraged to also practice the same thing in our lives, as we deal with one another. It should not end with what God is doing for us alone, it should go beyond it to what we also do for one another.


In the gospel reading we also see the mercy and love of God in the admonition of Jesus Christ. He encourages us to guide against hypocrisy in our life if we desire to enter the kingdom of God. Jesus admonishes us to embrace righteousness in the true sense of the word, and not the way it was practiced by the Scribes and Pharisees. He also encourages us to forgive one another and be reconciled with each other. By so doing, we will be emulating Christ in his forgiving spirit and mercy. We are all encouraged in today’s liturgy to make honest and sincere effort to always emulate Christ in our actions and words. It is never too late for us to retrace our steps and return to God like the prodigal son in St. Luke’s gospel; now is the time.

May God grant us the grace to let the past go and begin a new life with the Lord during this Lenten season, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen.  Peace be with you.



Friday of the 1st week of Lent, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp