Homily for 7th Sunday of Easter Year B

Acts 1:15-17. 20a. 20c-26 1 John 4:11-16 John 17: 11b-19

Theme: Jesus Prayed for his People

Today is the seventh Sunday of Easter Year B and the world’s day of communication. In recent times, communication has taken the centre stage in every aspect of our lives. As a result of which the world in which we live is like a global village. This is made possible with print and the electronic media. Information is easily sent and assessed with little or no difficulty and at a very fast rate. The social media is a powerful platform that is used for the dissemination of information and knowledge. Communication is a necessary tool that is needed in our daily activities in the church, family, economy, politics, and human relationships. Simply put, communication is a necessity!

The action of Peter and the other disciples in the first reading, points out the fact that they learnt something very important from Jesus while he was with them. Thus, the importance of prayer before making major decisions in our lives, just like Jesus always did is very necessary. Peter calls for a replacement for the position of Judas Iscariot who was no longer with them. They prayed, and Mathias was chosen to take up the position that was vacant. The power of prayer in our lives cannot be over emphasized. We also see Jesus praying for his followers before ascending to his father. This brings us to a very important question. Does prayer have a place in your life, family, business, office, and relationships? We all need to be prayerful if we truly want to make progress.

Jesus before ascending to his Father prepared his followers for the new life they will have to live in his absence. This preparation helped his followers to adapt to their new state of growth and maturity in the absence of Jesus. One of the difficult moments we encounter in life is when friends or family members are making a journey that will keep them away from us. There are usually lots of emotions that are expressed at such moments. But in the case of Jesus and his followers, it was a bit different because Jesus prepared them for the future that awaits them. In the gospel reading we see Jesus commending them to his Father and praying for their unity. This farewell speech of Jesus is a source of great strength for his disciples.

Lastly, in the second reading, we are reminded that God is love and he who abides in love abides in God and God abides in him. It is an invitation for us to strive and abide in God’s love by living our lives like true children of God that we are called to be. May God grant us the grace to be true ambassadors of Christ, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you!









7th Sunday of Easter, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp