Wednesday of the 7th week of Easter

Acts 20: 28-38      John 17: 11b-19

Theme: Be prepared

What we see in the 1st reading of today from the Acts of the Apostles, is what some parents do with members of their family, when for whatever reason there is going to be a separation. In the case of St. Paul in todays 1st reading, he is preparing his followers for the future, as he prepares to leave them. It is a way of strengthening their faith in God, to face whatever challenges or difficulties that they will encounter in the future in his absence. This is what any good father or shepherd will do, for the good of those he is leaving behind. So, they will be ready and prepared for any eventuality that will come up in the future, because of the choice they have made for Christ.

In the same way we also see how Jesus prepared his followers before ascending to his father, so that their faith is strengthened to face any difficult situation that they may find themselves in the future. The admonition in todays 1st reading is for all of us who are followers of Christ, we must be ready and always prepared to face the challenges that we will encounter because of our call to discipleship. The good news is that it will not come to us as a surprise, because we have already been prepared for it. When Paul was done with his words of encouragement, he knelt and prayed for the people. This is one of the attributes of a good leader and shepherd. We are all leaders on different levels, let us emulate Paul today and care for one another. It is never too late to do what is good and right in the sight of God, it begins with you.

In the gospel reading of today from St. John, we see the priestly prayer of Jesus Christ. He prays for the unity of his people, that they may be one, as we are one. Just like in the 1st reading and the action of St. Paul, we see Jesus doing a similar thing, praying for all of us, his children. The emphasis on unity can never be over emphasized. When there is unity, there will be peace, love and growth. All these are very important in our lives as people and will make a lot of difference in our families and society at large. As we continue to strive to be true representatives of God, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.



Wednesday of the 7th week of Easter, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp