Homily for the 14th Sunday of the Year C in ordinary time by Fr. Jude Ifezime, C.S.Sp

Today is the 14th Sunday in ordinary time Year C. The readings of today, presents to us a God that cares for his people. A God that has the good of his people at heart. The 1st reading of today, from the prophet Isaiah, presents a prophetic message about Gods plan for his people. As they move out of captivity to their own land. The prophet encourages them and gives them a message of hope, that everything is going to work well for them and that God is going to provide for them. God is going to change their sorrow to joy; God is on their side and will make everything work again in their favour. This is at a time when the Israelites were going through difficulties and the Assyrians have over powered them.

Today, the prophet Isaiah is giving them a message of hope that everything will change for the better and for their good. When you look at the 2nd reading of today, from St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he talks about the power of the cross. It is in that cross that we will find healing; it is in that cross that we will meet God as he really is. In the Gospel reading of today, we are told that Jesus sends out the seventy disciples in pairs, to go out to places he himself intends to visit in his missionary journey. When we look at the scenario that is painted in today’s gospel, it presents to us the world in which we live. Thus, Jesus prepares his disciples for what awaits them in their mission.

Interestingly today, the disciples were triumphant and they acknowledged the marvels they did at the end of the gospel message today. This goes to show us that as children of God and people of God, when he sends us out to preach the good news of the kingdom, through our way of life and words, we have to constantly trust in God, believing that he is present and with us; because he has empowered us. We go in his name, and he has empowered us to make things happen in his name. This is possible because God is on our side. Jesus emphasizes the need for the disciples to begin by blessing the people with peace. Thus, emphasizing the need for peace in the lives of his people. You will agree with me my brothers and sisters that the world in which we live is in dire need of peace. A lot of violence is taking place in our world, wars are going on. A lot of hatred, bitterness and dissention. That is why the peace that Jesus talks about today is relevant even in our own time. We need peace in our lives, peace in our families, peace in our society, and peace in the world.

The question today my brothers and sisters would be, are you a man of peace or a woman of peace? Are you a carrier of peace; are you a giver of peace? The Lord encourages us today my brothers and sisters to be people of peace where ever we find ourselves. When we get into a place without peace, we should strive to restore peace. It is in a place of peace we can be truly sure of God’s presence and room for growth, victory, success and unity. That is why my brothers and sisters, we pray in a very special way that God will grant us the graces we need to be carriers and givers of peace where ever we find ourselves. Peace be with you. Amen.




Homily for the 14th Sunday of the Year C in ordinary time by Fr. Jude Ifezime, C.S.Sp