Today the church celebrates the feast of the Holy Trinity. It is a mystery that talks about the three persons in one God. They cannot be separated from each other, they are united as one. The three persons in one God are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It is a united community of one God in three persons. Strictly speaking, it is a mystery and beyond the absolute comprehension of the human mind.
In the three readings we have today, we are presented with the nature of the Godhead. Attributes that are worthy of emulation by you and I as children of God and as Christians in our own time. If we can practice these wonderful attributes in our daily life, we will make a great difference in our family and the society in which we live. By so doing, we will be witnessing with our lifestyle to all those who encounter us in our journey of life.
Looking at the 1st reading of today and the scenario that plays out between Moses and God, one cannot but be grateful for the kind of God that that is our father and we worship. One would have expected that he would be very angry because of the action of the people of Israel; but rather the reverse was the case. A good understanding of the situation will help us appreciate the action of God more. After receiving the Ten Commandments from God at Sinai, he went down and found the people worshipping a golden calf. In view of this, he had to go back to Mount Sinai to plead with God on behalf of his people. On getting there, he got wonderful words of encouragement from God, and this gave him the courage to beg for God’s forgiveness for his people.
This wonderful attitude presented by God on Mount Sinai in the 1st reading, challenges all of us as Christians and children of God. This simply means that we have to pray for the grace of a forgiving spirit when other people offend us in one way or the other in our daily life. This is very important, taking into consideration the assertion of St. Paul in the 2nd reading of today. He encourages the Corinthian church to live a life of love, peace and unity. In the same way he is also inviting all of us to practice these wonderful attributes in our life; just like we see among the three persons in one God. It is a community of love, peace and unity. We are all encouraged to practice these wonderful attributes presented to us today in the 2nd reading by St. Paul. Humanly speaking, we could say it is impossible; but with God, everything is possible. He says my grace is sufficient for you; just have faith and trust in God.
In the gospel reading of today, we see the depth of God’s love for sinful humanity. He sent Jesus Christ to come and die for us while we were still sinners. By so doing, liberating us from the death that we merit and giving us life. This wonderful love of God and also Jesus Christ is worthy of emulation in our daily lives as children of God and Christians.
Dear friends in Christ, we are encouraged to emulate these wonderful attributes that are found in the life of the Trinity in our daily lives. We can be rest assured that when we practice these wonderful attributes, they will lead us to eternal life at the end of our earthly pilgrimage here on earth. We pray for the grace to practice these wonderful attributes of the Trinity in our daily life. Peace be with you. Amen.