33rd Sunday of the ordinary time of the Year

Readings: Proverbs 31:10-13, 16-18, 20, 26, 28-31 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Mathew 24:36, 25:14-30

Theme: Faithful stewardship

Today is the 33rd Sunday of the ordinary time of the Year A. The liturgy we have today emphasizes the importance of faithful stewardship. This is seen in the description of the woman presented to us from the Book of Proverbs in the 1st reading. In the 2nd reading from 1 Thessalonians, Paul appreciates the efforts of the Thessalonian Church by calling them children of Light. While in the Gospel we see the reward given to the servants who used their talents wisely.

The 1st reading from the Book of Proverbs, presents to us a virtuous woman and a woman of valour.  She is a treasure, and a good wife. Her life is worthy of emulation and a thing of pride to her husband and all those who know her. It will not be surprising if we ask, where can you find such a woman? It is possible to find her in our midst. Such a woman is not without faults; but her positives overwhelm her fault or weakness. It is an invitation to all Christians, and not to mothers alone, to strive and live a life that is worthy of emulation and pleasing to God at all times. We are all called to be gifts to one another and a source of strength and treasure to all those who encounter us in our faith journey.

In the 2nd reading, St. Paul acknowledges the fact that we are children of light, and must continue to keep awake, so that the coming of Christ will not come to us like a thief. It is a reminder for us as Christians to be vigilant and live our lives like people who believe that one day we will give account of our stewardship here on earth. The 2nd reading today is a reminder to us all, because it is a known fact to us as Christians that our lives do not end in death here on earth. So, we are all encouraged to continue to live a life that shows that we are truly children of light and not children of the dark. We can accomplish it, just like the virtuous woman in today’s 1st reading, if we pray and live like children of God.

The emphasis on faithful stewardship is very clear in the parable from today’s gospel. Just like the servants, God has given you and I different gifts; what are you doing with yours? Are you using it to the glory of God or you are lazy like the servant given one talent? This is the time for us to make good use of the talents God has given us, and stop worrying about the gifts God has given to other people. God gives us gifts according to our ability; it is left for us to make good use of it and God will bless us, just like the two servants who used their talents wisely.

May God grant us the grace to render faithful stewardship at all times. Peace be with you. Amen.


Homily for the 33rd Sunday of the ordinary time of the Year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp