Homily for Good Friday Year B
Readings: Isaiah 52: 13-53:12 Hebrews 4: 14-16; 5:7-9 John 18: 1-19:42
Theme: The cross of glory
Today the church celebrates Good Friday. A symbolic celebration, that reminds us of Gods love for his people. Jesus walked the path of the crucifixion for him to win us salvation. A path of suffering, pain and sorrow; that ended in glory and praise. This is very important because his journey to Calvary gave us hope and a new life; a life that ends in praise and glory.
The crucifixion of Christ, gave a new meaning to the understanding of death on the cross for the people. Before the death of Christ, it was seen as a symbol of disgrace and failure. But the death of Christ on the cross gave it a new meaning. It became the tree of life and glory. It was no longer a thing of shame and disgrace. It was rather changed to a tree of victory and triumph. It became a symbol of hope and glory for all those who believe in it.
In view of this, the cross plays a very important role in our lives as Christians and people who believe in God. This is because the death of Christ on the cross changed the narrative of our lives. With it, Christ gave us a new life and redeemed us with his blood. A sacrifice of praise, that gives us the opportunity to attain salvation at the end of our earthly pilgrimage.
With the death of Christ on the cross, he triumphed and death had no power any more over us. As children of God redeemed by the blood of Jesus, we have been given the opportunity to experience the beatific vision that Christ has won for us with his blood on the cross.
This great price that Christ paid with his blood and won us salvation, gives us the right to celebrate with the name Good Friday. Even though Jesus suffered to get us salvation, the end product is something that is worth celebration. In the cross is our victory and salvation.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, the death of Christ on the cross, should not be in vain. We must do all within our power to attain this salvation that Jesus won for us on the cross. We must contribute our own quota to attain salvation, because God has done own by sending his Son Jesus Christ to go to Calvary for our sake. Like St. Augustine would say, “the God who created us without our knowledge will not save us without our consent”. As we make this journey of faith to calvary, let us resolve that the cross of Christ will count in our lives today and always.
May God grant us the grace to truly embrace the cross of Christ in our practice of Christianity. Peace be with you. Amen.