Tuesday of the 8th week in the ordinary time year 2
Theme: A call to holiness
The first reading of today encourages us to strive to be holy just as our heavenly father is holy. It is an invitation that is profound for you and I as children of God. The effort for holiness is a process and a journey, it is not automatic; there must be conscious effort in our daily life. The most important thing is our resolve to strive after holiness of life and work to achieve it daily. We have to continually strive towards attaining holiness; whether we eventually get to perfect holiness should not be our worry. Just strive to be better than you were yesterday. It is a competition with yourself and not with anyone else. Let it be one day at a time, and before you know it, you are already becoming a better person. This invitation is for everyone, but our pace is determined by each one.
The question of St. Peter in today’s gospel may be similar to a question we may have raised at one time or the other in our life. He wants to know what his reward will be for accepting to embrace the radical discipleship presented by Jesus. The answer of Jesus is very profound and encouraging. It simply means that our call to discipleship cannot go unrewarded if we live our life like true disciples of Christ. There is a reward for the sacrifice that we make as followers of Christ. The real test is whether we have truly left everything to follow Christ? The answer to that question for each one of us will determine whether we are qualified for the reward or not. It is a question that we all have to answer as individuals.
May the Lord bless his words in our hearts. Peace be with you.