Monday of the 1st week of Lent

Theme: A stepping stone to salvation

The two readings we have today as we commemorate Ss Perpetua and Felicity gives us some insight on what to do if we truly desire to attain salvation at the end of our earthly pilgrimage. It is an invitation presented to us in a very special way during this season of Gods abundance grace. In the 1st reading, from the Book of Leviticus, we see Moses admonishing the people on what should not be found in their lives as people of God; and by so doing inviting them to holiness of life. A way of life that will draw them closer to God and also present them the opportunity to live like true children of God that we are all called to be. Dearly beloved in Christ, with the consciousness of the love of God and neighbours, it will be possible to achieve the admonition of Moses in the 1st reading and that of Jesus Christ in the gospel reading. Our quest for heaven should always be our driving force at all times if we truly desire to make heaven at the end of our life here on earth. It is an invitation that is difficult, but also too good to be ignored by all of us as children of God. With our resolve to make it happen and the grace of God, we can achieve it.

Also in the gospel of Mathew, Jesus also presents to us the standard by which the final judgement for eternity will be made, and it is basically centred on actions of love for neighbour. By so doing, Jesus has just leaked the question paper for eternity to you and I, it is for us to prepare adequately for the exam at the end of our life here on earth; lest we fail the test, even with the insight God has given us before the time of judgement. Dearly beloved in Christ, let us love our neighbours as ourselves and be mindful of our actions at all times. It is within our reach to make it happen, let us work for it.

May the good Lord bless his words in our hearts. Peace be with you.


Monday of the 1st week of Lent, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp