5TH Sunday of Easter, Year C

Acts 14:21b-27                        Revelation 21:1-5a                          John 13:1, 31-35

Theme: God is love

Today is the fifth Sunday of Easter Year C. From the Gospel reading of today Jesus presents to us one of the criteria necessary for a disciple, and this is: love. He gives us a commandment that we should love one another as he has loved us. And our ability to love each other will bring forth what we see in the second reading of today from the book of revelation. There, we were told about a new earth and a new beginning and a time when there would be peace, love, justice, objectivity and the blessings of God in a very unique way.

To enjoy the above, we are all invited to work in accordance with these commandments given to us by God himself. This is because it is our duty as Disciples of Christ, who believe in the resurrection to bring forth this new heaven and new earth. And for us to realize that, we must be people of love, we must be people whose lives are governed by love. Our daily activities must be governed by Gods love, the things we must do, must be done out of love. Therefore, we must shun hatred, bitterness, jealousy and envy. It is by doing these that we can fully grasped the message of the Gospel of today, that is: the practice of love by which we show that we are true Disciples of Christ. In this light, I would like us to reflect around this question: what drives you, is it the love of God or personal interest? Today we are all encouraged to adhere to this wonderful invitation that Jesus presents to us; to love God and to love one another. This is because, where true love exists, hatred and bitterness vanishes. Also, where there is love, there is bound to be growth and the blessings of God abounds.

Therefore, let us begin to practice this wonderful love that will bring forth a new heaven and new earth even in our own time. It is possible to begin to live it out in our lives. It is possible for us to become a sign of contradiction in the world in which we live today. A world that practices often times so much hatred, bitterness, and rancor. We are called to become that challenge, we are called to become that light that will shine forth and dispel darkness. As children of God, our love of God and neighbours will dispel the darkness in our communities. Hence, let us emulate the attitude of Paul and Barnabas in our first reading by bringing forth liberation to those we meet. Part of our Christian responsibilities is: liberating and setting the people free and showing them the path they should go; a path that will bring the desired change that we need in our world today. We can do this by teaching those who do not know God, who HE really is by our way of life.

However, if we begin to live like those who do not know God ourselves, it becomes very difficult to convert those we minister to; for our lifestyles could help to build or destroy the faith of others. Thus, we must never stop asking God for His graces to be true signs in the world, and shine forth as the true light we are, so as to bring forth the desired change that will bring about a new heaven and a new earth and things will begin to change for better. Let us therefore strive after this way of life that is built on God’s love and the love of neighbours. For where there is God’s love, evil hardly prevails and sin loses its dominance. We pray on this fifth Sunday of Easter that God will grant us the necessary graces we need and the strength to corporate with his graces to be true disciples of his. Peace be with you!



Homily for the 5th Sunday of Easter Year C, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp