The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
Theme: Jesus commissions us
Today the church celebrates the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. I wish you all a happy feast day. This celebration is taking place 40 days after the resurrection of Christ. Jesus Christ has taken time to prepare his followers for this change and transition that will take place as he ascends to his father in heaven. He will no longer be present physically with his followers, but will send them the Holy Spirit who will continue from where he stopped, so to say. As a result of the necessity of the Holy Spirit, he mandated the Apostles to remain in Jerusalem until they receive the power of the Holy Spirit.
The reception of the Holy Spirit will activate the great commissioning and witnessing that is expected from the followers of Christ. They will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to bear witness to Christ with power and authority, just like Jesus himself did while he was present with them physically. The mandate to witness has continued over the centuries in the world; from generation to generation.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, the mantle to continue the witnessing for Christ has been handed over to you and i. This brings us to a very important question, how well are we are we witnessing to Christ in our daily life, and what is the quality of our discipleship? There is no better time for us to take this commissioning of Jesus very seriously than now, when our world is in serious need of men and women who are true witnesses. Simply put, men and women who witness with both their words and actions.
In the gospel reading from St. Luke gospel, we see the last words of Jesus to his followers as he prepares them for his going to the father and the coming of the Holy Spirit. The mandate to go out and preach in his name is given to all of us as children of God and Christians. Lastly, he blessed them before departing to his heavenly father. In the gospel and the 1st reading from the Acts of the Apostles, it shows clearly the extent to which Jesus went to prepare his followers for his Ascension.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus has not changed, he prepares us for every transition that takes place in our life. He never deserts his own, no matter how bad the situation may seem to be. Let us do all within our power to witness to Christ wherever we find ourselves in word and deed.
May the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ grant us the grace to be true witnesses; in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.