Friday of the20th week in the ordinary time
Theme: Love is supreme
In the two readings we have today, one thing that is very clear is the fact that God loves us so very much. In the 1st reading from the prophet Ezekiel we see how God commanded the prophet Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones and restore them back to life. In this situation, the dry bones portray the situation of the Israelites at the time. A situation that was near hopeless, until God intervened and changed their story from sadness to joy. This is an action that can be driven only by Gods love for his people; not minding the fact that they are hard hearted. His concern for them was that of love, mercy and restoration. Ordinarily, as a result of their actions and way of life, one may argue that they do not merit the mercy and love of God; but God thinks differently from the ways of humans. That is why his ways are different from our ways and sometimes beyond human understanding.
He did not just give the dry bones life; he also made them a promise that he will place them in their own land. By so doing, giving them hope and the courage to face the future without fear. This is the same God that you and I are still worshipping in our own time. He is a God that loves us so much and goes the extra mile to ensure that his people are fine and comfortable. Are you aware of this fact dearly beloved in Christ? If yes, then we have no reason to lose faith in God because of whatever we are going through in our life at the moment. He has not changed and will never fail or disappoint us, if only we will stand strong and continue to trust in his love and ability to take care of our present situation. The love of God for us his children should always be a source of great strength for us at all times; he will never fail or disappoint us.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, in the gospel reading of today also, Jesus tell those who were trying to test him that the greatest of all the commandments are love of God and neighbour. This goes to show the place of love in our lives as children of God. The challenge we have in our own time, is the ability to practice this love that Jesus talks about today in the gospel, by living it out in all our human relationships; without limiting it to certain individuals or group of people.
It is my prayer that God will grant us the grace to live out love in our daily lives. May almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.