Memorial of St. Vincent De Paul (Priest)

Theme: Option for the poor

Today the church celebrates the memorial of St. Vincent De Paul, a priest. He was a man who gave everything for the sake of the poor and less privileged around him. He is known for his generosity for the poor and the less privileged in the society. He dedicated his whole life to serving the poor and less privileged. He founded two congregations that had the care of the poor as their primary assignment, and they are called congregation of the mission and the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent De Paul. Just like Jesus, his love for the poor is worthy of emulation by you and I as Christians in our own time. They willingly gave everything for the sake of the poor and less privileged in the society. He became the mouth piece of the poor whose voices are not heard in the society, and showed them love and care.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, the action of the saint we celebrate today presents us an opportunity to reflect about our relationship with the poor and less privileged in our midst. One thing we must know is the fact that nobody is too poor, that he or she has nothing to give to somebody else. It doesn’t have to be money all the time, sometimes what they need is a listening ear and they will be fine. At other times, what they need is for us to accept them and show them love and concern, it is healing to them. There are moments when what they need is for you and I to be their voices that other people will listen to for their own good. Sometimes, it’s for us to speak the truth and not allow those with voices in the society to make us make compromises that will affect the truth and by so doing affecting them. We have all it takes to give the poor and less privilege a sense of belonging in our society today. The question is why are we not doing it? Sometimes it is because some of us have allowed our greed to make us get into compromises that keeps us away from the truth.

Dearly beloved in Christ, let us resolve today, just like the saint we celebrate today to accept and show love to the poor and less privileged wherever we find them, and God will richly bless you. As you do this may almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Memorial of St. Vincent De Paul, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp