Wednesday of the 26th week in the ordinary time

Theme: Faithfulness to God

As we continue to reflect on the life and ordeals of Job, we cannot but talk about his faithfulness to God. He did not fail or disappoint the trust that God had in him, that is why he confidently gave the devil the permission to test his faith. The situation of Job was so bad that he lost everything that made him a happy man; his family and wealth. Amidst the challenging situation he found himself, he still remained steadfast and faithful to God. My brothers and sisters in Christ, can you relate with the situation of Job? We all pass through difficult moments in our lives from time to time, but at such moments, do we remain steadfast and faithful to God like Job did? It’s a question that is worth reflecting on, taking into consideration the fact that we become vulnerable at such times. Some people are able to manage their difficulties without losing their faith or getting involved in practices that are not pleasing to God, just like Job. While some others are not able to manage their challenges and get involved in practices that are not good and pleasing to God because of their desperation.

Dearly beloved in Christ, the attitude of Job towards his situation is worthy of emulation, when we are faced with difficulties in our life. He showed his faith in God, by still acknowledging the supremacy of God; and trusting that he will show him mercy in the challenging situation he has found himself. In view of this, we are all encouraged in a very special way today that whatever we are presently going through in our life should not make us offend God through our actions. One thing we must know is that God will always reward our faithfulness to him, no matter what we may be going through at the moment. The storm in our life is only a phase, it will definitely come to an end, and we will be better off for it. Just trust in God and remain steadfast, and he will show you that he is God. He does not fail or disappoint all those who trust in him. Though his timing may be different from yours; but he never comes late.

In the gospel reading of today, Jesus points out some of the challenges of discipleship that you and I may also encounter in our journey of faith. But the good news is that at the end of the tunnel there will be light. As you do this in faith, may almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.


Wednesday of the 26th week in the ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp