Wednesday of the 30th week in the ordinary time of the year
Theme: Enter through the narrow door
The admonition of Jesus in today’s gospel is that we should enter through the narrow door. What Jesus is simply saying to us today is that we must be ready to pay the price of discipleship. The price of discipleship entails a lot, and it will bring about some discomfort and challenges that we must be ready to face courageously as children of God. Those who decide to enter through the narrow door must be ready to live their lives according to the imperatives of the gospel. This is the way of life that Jesus is inviting you and I to embrace if we desire to attain salvation at the end of our life here on earth. It is a road that not very many are willing to journey through, but all those who are courageous enough to make the journey are happy at the end. In view of this my brothers and sisters in Christ, the invitation to enter through the narrow gate is for all of us as children of God. We are all encouraged by Christ himself in the gospel of today to make honest effort to work that path that less travelled.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, the fact that Jesus has given us the direction on where to go, is already a sign that if we trust in him he will embark on this journey with us. His grace will always supply when our strength fails us. The most important thing is the positive disposition from us to take that decision and walk that path that will lead us to eternal life. However, it is described as the narrow road because it is not going to be an easy journey that everyone can easily embark on, because the journey through that path will be very tedious and tasking, but the good thing is that what awaits you at the end; cannot be compared to the stress that you have gone through on the journey. Suffice it to say that it is a journey that is worth all the stress that we will encounter going through the narrow door.
Lastly, in the 1st reading of today, St. Paul is encouraging children to be obedient to their parents, and also all those serving others. As children obey their parents, the parents should also endeavour to treat their children with love, just like in the holy family. This will enthrone Gods presence in a very special way in our families, because there will be peace, love, unity and respect. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.