Tuesday of the 30th week in the ordinary time
Theme: Faithfulness and love
In the 1st reading of today, the union between husband and wife is likened to that of Christ and the church. This is a union that is built on love, faithfulness and respect for each other. The 1st reading of today is not in any way making the woman a subject of the man; it is rather advocating for mutual love and understanding between the two persons who have decided to come together in the union of marriage. The bond that exists between Christ and the church is the same thing that is expected in the union of husband and wife. They are two different people who decided to come together in the union of marriage and become one; they are no longer two but one. This conscious is very important as they go through the married life as one. There has to be trust and faithfulness in the marriage that they have both decided to get involved in, out of their own free will.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, this understanding will go a long way towards ensuring that they live together in love, respect and faithfulness. Each one sees the union as his or hers and they are ready and willing to give everything they have to ensure that everything works well the way it should. When all this is in place in the union of marriage, it will help those involved to accept the fact that we all have our short comings and no one is perfect. They will be patient with each other, be ready to learn and also be accommodating if necessary. God instituted the marriage institution, and he knows that this union is capable of standing the test of time if those involved gives it their best with love and lasting fidelity. This does not mean that there will be no challenges and difficulties; it simply means that at the end of the tunnel there will be light. Resolve today to make you marriage work and give it your best; then Gods grace will enable you.
In our world today, the marriage institution is going through different kinds of challenges, and this is seriously affecting families. In view of this, we are all encouraged to do a critical reflection and work on the aspects of our union as husband and wife that is not working, talk about it, invite God and proffer the way forward. No matter how bad things are at the moment in your union, just know that there is nothing God cannot do. The most important thing is your trust in God and your willingness to make it work again. Never think your marriage is irredeemable, just know that with God everything is possible. May God bless the marriage institution, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.