3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

(Isaiah 8:23-9:3 1Corinthians 1:10-13, 17 Mathew 4:12-23)

Theme: The Word of God


In line with the Apostolic letter Motu Proprio, the church celebrates every third Sunday of the year as the “Sunday of the Word of God”. This is a wonderful opportunity for us as Catholics to devote more of our time to the studying of the word of God. This will serve as a reminder to everyone as they go about their daily activities. The word of God needs to be activated in our lives, families and the society at large.


Talking about the Word, in today’s first reading, the prophet Isaiah continues the message of hope. This message is for us as it was for the people of Israel. The Lord is speaking to us through the lips of Isaiah saying, He has not forsaken us, and the future will bring forth good tidings. This prophecy is made manifest in Jesus, the Light who shines to all those who live in darkness and the shadow of death.In the second reading St. Paul, takes up this message by admonishing us of the need to remain focused on Jesus, instead of belonging to different groups. This brings us to a very important question. What role are you playing towards the building of the Body of Christ and the spread of his kingdom? We all have roles to play towards this great task. Unfortunately some of us thrive when there is disunity and confusion and we form groups that help to propagate our personal interests that are detrimental to the common good; let us try to guide against such situations.


In the gospel reading, the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled as Jesus withdraws into the territory of Zebulun and Naphtali. His presence brought great light to the people. He is the light that dispels darkness and restores hope to those who are in the shadow of death. His presence brought forth good tidings in the lives of the people. Things changed for the better and the presence of God was enthroned amongst the people. He preached about repentance to the people. In the same way he is also preaching repentance to all his children. Let us make effort and turn away from things that do not build up the body of Christ, but rather promote disunity and dissention among the people. Let us all embrace the word of God that we celebrate in a special way today, that promotes peace, joy, unity, happiness, charity and selflessness.

Dear friends in Christ, when Jesus called the Apostles they left everything and followed him. In the same way we are encouraged to leave everything that does not promote the kingdom of God and embrace those that promote the kingdom. The more we contribute towards the building of the body of Christ, the more we will experience the blessings of God in our lives, families, educations, businesses and all that concerns us. It is my prayer that God will grant us the grace to enthrone his word in our lives. Amen. Peace be with you!



Homily for the 3rd Sunday in the ordinary time of the year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp