Thursday of the 6th week in the ordinary time
Theme: The blessings of God
In the 1st reading of today, we see how God blessed Noah and everything that was preserved from the flood. With a special blessing for man, and his supremacy over every other thing that God created. This shows the depth of God’s love for you and I, irrespective of what we may have done in the past. He does not hold our sins against us, but rather shows us love and compassion whenever the need arises. This is one of the attributes of God that we need to emulate as children of God. Sometimes it may be challenging to forgive in some situations as human persons, let us call upon God at such moments to come and assist us; and he will come to our aid. His plans for us are good and not evil, so he is always ready to support us when we reach out to him for help and assistance. Let us pray for the grace of God to help us forgive those who have us and we are struggling with forgiving them; present it to God in prayer.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, in the covenant in todays 1st reading God also pointed out the fact that we should be our brothers keeper and never shed the blood of another person. There will be a repercussion for anyone who goes against this assertion presented by God in this covenant. A reminder of this covenant is very important in our own time. Taking into consideration the recklessness all over the world about the killings and shedding of human blood. It is as if man has forgotten about this covenant that involves all of us as children of God. What we seem to have forgotten is the fact that the word of God will continue to be fulfilled in our lives, whether we are conscious of that fact or not. In view of this, I will say that today’s 1st reading is a reminder to all of us as children of God. We are all created in the image and likeness of God, never get involved in things that will be detrimental to you and your faith. However, no matter what the past may have been, we can begin anew; God is expecting you.
In the gospel reading of today, Jesus is asking us by extension who he is to you? Your answer to this question will greatly influence how you relate with him. Whatever your answer may be, I want you to know that he is a loving, merciful, and compassionate God. He never gives up on us, so no matter the situation, don’t give up on yourself. May almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.