Thursday of the 2nd week of Lent year A
Theme: Who do you trust?
In the 1st reading of today, the prophet Jeremiah points out to us the outcome of those who trust in men and of those who trust in God. Those who trust in men will be disappointed, because they will not stand the test of time; while those who trust in God are like the tree that is planted by the water and flourishes all year round. This is the invitation that the prophet Jeremiah is presenting to all of us as children of God today. There is no doubt that we need the support of each other to grow, but it should never take the place of God in our lives. Remember, the human person can never be compared to God, no matter who he or she claims to be.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, whatever choice we decide to make is personal, and we are free to choose whatever we want for ourselves. Interestingly, we live in a world where many people depend on other people for their success, more than they depend on God. But the prophet Jeremiah is telling us today that the opposite is supposed to be the case. What God cannot do, does not exist, and he has the final say in everything situation that we find ourselves in life. Human beings may do whatever they like in any given situation, but if God decides not to support their action, it will fail. We are encouraged today by the 1st reading to be conscious of this fact, lest we give humans the glory that belongs to God alone.
Some people have made men ‘godfather’ and have given them the place of God in their lives. Forgetting that no human person has the power that supersedes that of God. The prophet Jeremiah is encouraging us to retrace our steps and return to God, because in every situation in our life, he has the final say. Having him on your side will make a lot of difference for your good.
In the gospel reading we are presented with the story of Lazarus and the rich man. A story that encourages us to be charitable and good to those who are not as privileged as you. The rich man lacked all these and more, at the end of his life on earth, it worked against him. The season of Lent encourages us to practice almsgiving as one of the tenets of Lent. Be willing to share the little you have with those who do not have, and God will bless you. You don’t have to be very wealthy like the rich man before you can share. It is my prayer that we all make heaven at the end of our life here on earth, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.