Monday of the 3rd week of Lent year A
Theme: God, is our healer
In the 1st reading of today, Naaman the commander of the King of Syria, was healed of his leprosy by the prophet Elisha and he made a proclamation of faith. He said, “I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel. His encounter with the prophet Elisha changed his initial doubts. He could not come to terms that he was asked to wash himself in Jordan seven times and he will be clean. This goes to show that God works in mysterious ways and uses the little things around us to answer our prayer requests. His ways are different from our human ways, and sometimes beyond our human understanding.
The healing power of God is still very much active in our own time, and we are all in need of his touch in one way or the other in our lives. The healing of Naaman in todays 1st reading should encourage us to go to God with that situation in our life, that has brought us pain and sorrow. The Lord is willing to heal as many that present their situation to him in faith, and he will grant them his healing mercy. You may be in doubt like Naaman, until he decided to listen to the voice of reason, and he was restored. In the same way, the word of God today is also speaking to you as a person, present that situation to him and he will show you that he is never tired of healing all those who come to him. All those who had an encounter with the Divine never remained the same, they left him better than they were when they met him. We are all encouraged today to make that journey of faith, it could be about your health, family, life, business and so many other challenges.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, let us be mindful of the assertion of Jesus in today’s gospel. Never take anybody for granted, especially men and women of God that are close to you. God makes use of anybody and any means to achieve his desires in our lives. We see that clearly in the 1st reading of today, with the help of the maid Naaman was restored to good health. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.