Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, year A

Theme: The heart of love

Today our holy mother the church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Sacred heart of Jesus. A heart of love and mercy for all his children. Today’s feast can be referred to as a celebration of Gods love. The love of God for his creatures is seen from the very beginning of creation and it has continued from generation to generation. It was this same love that led to the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ coming down to live among men and women, to bring about their redemption. Irrespective of the fact that we do not merit such a great favour from God at that time. God is love! The sacred heart of Jesus continues to invite us to emulate him and allow this same love to guide and direct the activities of our daily lives.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, today’s feast is an opportunity for us to reflect on the love that God has continued to lavish upon us, not minding how repeatedly we have continued to hurt his sacred heart with our sins and unfaithfulness. It is an invitation extended to all of us today to emulate this wonderful love that emanates from the sacred heart of Jesus. A heart that is full of love and mercy, and it is easily accessible to everyone who desires it. This has given rise to the devotion to the Sacred heart of Jesus all over the world. The number of devotees to the Sacred Heart of Jesus continues to increase by the day. It is a devotion that draws us to the loving heart of Jesus and transcends our human weaknesses and failings.

Dear friends in Christ, we are all invited in a special way today to embrace a life of love in our personal life, family, and amongst ourselves. It is an invitation that will enthrone God presence in a unique way in our lives and change the face of the earth, if taken seriously by all of us as children of God. We see this wonderful invitation in the 2nd reading of today, from the 1st letter of St. John, we are all encouraged to love one another. This invitation to love, is one that we should take seriously from todays celebration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; a heart that is full of love and mercy.

The heart of Jesus should not be repeatedly pierced by our way of life. Let us make effort from henceforth to cease to pierce the loving heart of God, that has continued to show us mercy and love, with our way of life and carefree attitude that hurts God. Let this love of God influence your life in such a way that it will attract more souls to the kingdom of God. May the love of God continue to propel us, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp