Memorial of the Immaculate heart of Mary, year A
Theme: An invitation to holiness of life
Today the church celebrates the memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Yesterday the church celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and today we are celebrating the Immaculate heart of Mary. The celebration of a son and mother placed side by side and invites us to a life of love and purity.
Dear friends in Christ, these two virtues are found in the lives of both Jesus and our mother Mary. You and I are also encouraged to embrace these virtues and practice them in our daily lives as children of God. In the life of our mother Mary, we see purity and holiness of life. In the same way we are all encouraged in a very special way today to live a life of purity and holiness. It is not something that is beyond us, if we truly decide that we want to practice it in our daily life. It may seem to be a very difficult task, but it is possible with the help of God.
My sisters and brothers in Christ, in the 1st reading of today from 2nd Corinthians St. Paul points out the fact that we are ambassadors for Christ and we and reconciled and united with him. By doing so, reiterating the need for purity and holiness of life. We have transcended all the trappings of the flesh to the level of the spirit. God himself have placed us on a very high level and given us a task to enthrone his presence in our life, the lives of others and in the world at large.
Always remember that God is accompanying you in this great task that he has given to you, so do not be afraid he is always with you. Let us be reconciled with Christ today, if we have not done that already. We can begin this process of reconciliation with God through the sacrament of reconciliation, and then allow God to always guide our word and deed. This will help us to always become worthy ambassadors for Christ.
We pray that through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we will all strive to embrace holiness of life, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.