St. Thomas Apostle (Feast), year A

Theme: Lord, increase our faith

Today the church celebrates the feast of the Apostle Thomas. He is referred to by some people as the doubting Thomas. His desire to see Jesus himself, helped to strengthen his faith in God and in the resurrection. That is why when he had the opportunity to be with Jesus, he made a proclamation of faith, “My Lord and my God”. There was no room for doubt anymore, and his faith was strengthened from that point in a very powerful way.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus pointed out the faithlessness of Thomas, and blessed all those who did not see him, but believe. This is the group that all of us who have faith and believe in the resurrection belong to as Christians and followers of Christ. It is important to point out the fact that in our worship of God, faith has a great role to play, because without faith it is almost impossible to be a good disciple of Christ. In view of this dearly beloved in Christ, the theme of our reflection today, which says, “Lord, increase our faith” is very important. Let us continually pray that our faith in God continues to grow.

Dearly beloved in Christ, the personal encounter that Thomas had with Christ after his resurrection in today’s gospel strengthened his faith and gave him the needed courage to go to India and preach about the resurrected Christ. As Christians and followers of Christ in our own time, we encounter Christ in the Eucharist, in the Sacraments and in the word of God. How much impact is it making in our life and in our mission as children of God. Immediately after the doubt of Thomas was cleared, his faith was strengthened and his belief in the resurrection became solid. Since we belong to the group that did not see yet believed that Jesus prayed for in today’s gospel reading, let us try to make it count in our lives as children of God.

Dear friends in Christ, as we continue to pray that the good Lord increase our faith, let us continue to be true ambassadors for Christ in our world. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.



Feast of St. Thomas Apostle< year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp