Tuesday of the 13th week in the ordinary time of the year A

Gen. 19:15-29  Mat.8: 23-27

Theme: “Save us Lord”

In our gospel reading of today from St. Mathew, Jesus shows us that he has power over the challenges that we encounter in our daily lives. As they sailed on the sea, they ran into a storm and his followers were all scared that they will drown and in fear they went to Jesus who was having a rest, he rebuked the sea and there was calm. His disciples marveled that even winds and sea obey him. In the same way, in our own lives we run into storms of all types, and we are troubled, Jesus has shown us today that he has the power to calm the storms in our lives.

The most important thing is that we must go to him and present the situation to him, just like his disciples did and he will calm the storm. One thing that is certain is the fact that no matter the storm we are going through in our life, he has the power to calm it down and bring us peace. All you need to do is to trust him enough like the disciples did and go to him for a solution to the problem. The good news is that he will never turn down your request or chase you away, he will rather respond to your need. Now is the time for you to go to him in faith, with that storm in your life that has continued to make you uncomfortable and bring you pain and sorrow. All you need is to have faith and go to him. He is always waiting for you to come to him with your life situation and he will come to your assistance.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, running into storm like the disciples of Jesus in today’s gospel reading, is something that happens in our lives from time to time. Whenever we find ourselves in such a situation, let us learn to trust in God and present the situation to him, and he will speak to the storm and restore peace in our life again. This is not the time for fear and despair but an opportunity for you to show that you serve a God that have all the solutions that you seek in your life. Just take it to God in prayer! He will not fail or disappoint you. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.


Tuesday of the 13th week in the ordinary time of the year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp