Thursday of the 17th week in ordinary time year A

Ex. 40:16-21.34-38    Mat. 13:47-53

Theme: The good and bad

In the gospel reading of today Jesus continues to teach the people with parables, and he likens the kingdom of heaven to a net that was thrown into the sea, and it got both good and bad and they were sorted out at the end. In this parable, Jesus is admonishing us about the need for us to embrace the imperatives of the gospel and live them out in our daily life. This is very important, going by the gospel reading presented to us today from St. Mathew. We are encouraged to lead good and holy lives, so that on that last day, as the Angels sought out the good and the bad, we will not be thrown away. We are privileged people as children of God to get all these insights that should help us to be focused and be on the path that is good and pleasing in the sight of God.

This parable should be seen as a reminder to all of us as children of God. Our goal is to be part of those that will be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven, so we must go in accordance with the teachings of Christ at all times in our daily life. God in his love continues to present to us all we need to do for us to achieve our goal of making heaven at the end. It is left for us to cooperate with the grace of God to live like children of light that we are called to be.

The works of darkness should have no place in our lives anymore. Our ability to continue to work in the light of Christ always will make a great difference and help us to bear fruits that will stand the test of time. Let us be mindful of this fact, so that the close of the age will not come to us unexpectedly. Jesus has already given us all it takes for us not to make that mistake that will count us out of the kingdom of heaven. It is left for us to make honest and sincere effort and corporate with the grace of God in our daily lives. It is never too late to begin with the admonition of God, we can begin today.

May the insight given to us by Christ in todays parable continue to guide and inspire us in our daily lives, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.



Thursday of the 17th week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp