Wednesday of the 17th week in ordinary time year A

Ex. 34:29-35    Mat. 13:44-46

Theme: The kingdom of God

In the gospel reading of today from St. Mathew, Jesus likens the kingdom of God to a treasure that one finds and sells everything to possess it. This simply means that the kingdom of God is worth more than all we have. By implication, Jesus is simply saying that we should do all within our power to make the kingdom of God our own. The ability to possess the kingdom of God is dependent on how sincerely we are ready to put the word of God into practice in our daily life.

 We must be ready to make all the sacrifices, just to ensure that we are part of Gods kingdom at the end of our earthly journey. That is why the man in the parable was willing to go and sell all he had to possess this wonderful treasure that he found. He did not allow anybody or situation to stop him from selling all he had, to possess the treasure he has found. The kingdom of God is our treasure as children of God, and we must be ready to do everything for us to possess it.

This brings me to a very important question, as we reflect on the kingdom of God as a treasure. In the two parables presented to us by Jesus in the gospel reading of today, both men knew what they have found, and they also knew what they wanted. That is why they sold all they had to acquire the treasure that they found. Did you learn anything from both parables? One thing that is very clear is the fact that the kingdom of God is a treasure that we have found and must be ready to give up everything for us to possess it, just like in both parables in our gospel of today. Do not allow any individual, group, or situation to make you loose sight of the kingdom of God.

We are all encouraged to be conscious of the fact that heaven is a treasure to us, and we will continue to do our best to possess it. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.


Wednesday of the 17th week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp