Monday of the 20th week in ordinary time year A

Judges 2:11-19    Mat. 19: 16-22

Theme: Our quest for heaven

Today we celebrate the memorial of St. Piux X, a Pope. He was popularly known for his simplicity, poverty, and fortitude. He is also known to have promoted the frequent reception of the holy Eucharist. In his way of life, he left us an example to follow in our own life. In the same way, today’s gospel also points out to us what should be our major concern as children of God. Our goal should be heaven, and we are encouraged to live a life that will impact positively on the lives of all those who encounter us, just like the saints we celebrate in the church. The rich young man was told what to do if he truly wanted to follow Jesus, and he was deeply disappointed, because he was not ready to give all his possession to the poor, then come and follow Jesus.

I think the main emphasis from today’s gospel for all of us, is the fact that heaven is our goal, and we must be ready to pay the price, to make heaven. One of which was presented to the man in todays gospel by Jesus Christ, self-detachment. We must understand the fact that whatever we have acquired here on earth is passing and will not lead us to heaven in the end. So, we can use them wisely, in such a way that it will help us attain heaven at the end and help some other people attain heaven also. Our ability to be detached from our wealth and not be possessive will greatly help us to attain salvation at the end. Jesus did not say he should go out and give all he possesses and become a destitute, he was simply guiding him through the path that will lead him to heaven.

In the 1st reading of today from the Book of Judges, we see how the Israelites made God very angry by serving Baals and going against the covenant they and their fathers entered with God. As a result of their evil attitude, God allowed their enemies to plunder them, and they went through a lot of pain and difficulties. But, when God saw what they were going through, in his love he gave them Judges who guided and directed them. Unfortunately, whenever the Judge dies, the people return to serving other gods. The attitude of the Israelites in todays 1st reading is completely contrary to the teaching of Jesus in the gospel reading of today. God is supreme, and we must strive to follow in his footsteps at all times, if we truly desire to make heaven at the end of our earthly pilgrimage. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

St. Piux X Pope (Year A), by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp