Thursday of the 21st week in ordinary time year A
1 Thes. 3:7-13 Mat. 24:42-51
Theme: Be prepared
The gospel reading of today from St. Mathew is reminding us of the fact that we are pilgrims on earth, a time will come when we must go back home to meet our creator. The main question today is how are you preparing for that day, time, and hour that no one knows? We have the opportunity now to make the right choices and decisions if we truly desire to attain heaven at the end of our earthly pilgrimage. Our stay here on earth can be likened to one who went to the market, when you are done, we will surely go back home.
The reminder of Jesus in today’s gospel reading is timely, and an opportunity for us all to evaluate how we are living our lives. It is in our hands to make that positive decision today that will help us to continue to prepare for that day that we do not know. There is no need postponing the day to begin to do the necessary preparations in our lives, begin it today. Remember, no one is certain of the day and hour that it will be. What Jesus did in todays gospel should help us, so that that day will not come upon us as a thief.
We all know what to do, if we truly desire to begin to prepare for that day that we do not know. Let your life and actions be guided by the two commandments presented to us by Jesus himself. Love of God and love of neighbours. When these commandments are the driving force of our human relationships, we will never get it wrong. Because with love in our hearts and actions, we will treat everyone who encounters us just like Jesus would have done, and we cannot get it wrong.
One of the challenges we have in our lives today is the fact that people are increasingly becoming greedy and self-centered. We are more concerned about our comfort, and not how the generality of the people is affected by the decisions we have made. The level of hatred, bitterness and anger is increasing by the day, because people are not treated right but rather exploited for the good of others. In all of this, the question we must ask ourselves as we prepare for life after here is, what drives my actions? Is it the love of God or my personal gains? A sincere answer will do us a lot of good if we truly desire to prepare for that day that we do not know. Remember, that day is not in your hands. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.