Monday of the 24th week in ordinary time year A

1 Tim. 2:1-8         Luke 7:1-10

Theme: Lord, increase our faith

In the gospel reading of today, we are presented with the story of the centurion, who did not find himself worthy to have Jesus under his roof but had faith that the words of Jesus can heal his slave that was sick. We have a lot to learn from the centurion in today’s gospel reading. The first thing that touched me about the centurion is the fact that he cared for his slave, and he made effort to ensure that he is restored to good health. This goes to show that he did not just see the slave as a slave, but rather as a member of his household, and was concerned about his health. In some cases, the master of the house may not even know that the slave is sick, while some others may know but not make any effort to ensure that he recovers from his sickness. The centurion saw his slave as a friend, brother, and a member of his family. We need to emulate the centurion in today’s gospel, those who work for us should be treated right and cared for, not minding the fact that they are paid for their services.

The Jewish elders that were sent by the centurion to Jesus, had wonderful words with which they described him to Jesus. This also says a lot about the kind of person that the centurion is to the people. This is what we get when we strive to live a good life and impact positively on the lives of all those who encounter us. If the centurion had not made a positive impact on the lives of the people, it would have been difficult for the Jewish elders to accept to go on his behalf to Jesus. We are all encouraged today to be mindful of the way we relate with people and the type of impression we live with all those who encounter us in our daily lives.

It is always good to live a positive impression, though it may not work out the way you want it all the time. Just do your best and leave the rest to God. Lastly, the faith of the centurion is worthy of emulation. He felt he was not worthy for a holy man like Jesus to come into his house, but he had faith that the words of Jesus can restore his servant. This gave rise to the assertion of Jesus that he has not seen such faith, even in Israel. May the Lord grant us grace to be truly humane, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Monday of the 24th week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp