Tuesday of the 24th week in ordinary time year A

1 Tim. 3:1-13          Luke 7:11-17

Theme: God, the giver of life

In the gospel reading of today, we see how compassionate Jesus is to the people. Today he felt pity for the widow of Nain who just lost her only son and restored him back to life. It is the same God that we are serving in our own time. He has not changed; he still has power over death and listens to the cries of his people. He did not know the widow of Nain; he just took pity on her and restored her only son back to life. We serve a God that is the giver of life. So, what is that situation now, that you are doubting whether God can do it for you? He has not changed, and he still have power over any situation that we find ourselves in life, including death. What you need to do today is to trust in God and take that challenging situation in your life to him.

He is a loving and compassionate God, and he knows what everyone of us is going through in life, and he is ever ready to come to our assistance. If there is one person who can change the narrative of your life today, it is God almighty. Even when one is sick, you can hear some doctors that are humble saying that they treat, but it is God that heals; suffice it to say that he has the final say in our lives, no matter the situation you find yourself. Sometimes Jesus comes when all hope is lost, just like what we see in the gospel reading of today. When God gets interested in any given situation, all existing protocols are broken, and his power manifests in that given situation. The question is, do you believe he can also do it for you, just like the widow of Nain? Hurry up, take that situation to him today, and experience his compassion and love. It may not be automatic like the story in today’s gospel, trust in him and be patient.

In the 1st reading of today, St. Paul is admonishing Bishops and Deacons, and by extension all of us who are Christians. It is an invitation for us to live a life that is good and pleasing to God. A life that truly represents who we are as children of God and ambassadors for Christ. Conscious of the fact that we are God’s representatives amongst the people. We are all encouraged to embrace holiness and righteousness of life, that will help us to enthrone the presence of God in the lives of all those who encounter us. As we bear witness to the goodness of God in our world, we also impact positively in the society in which we live. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.


Tuesday of the 24th week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp