Friday of the 24th week in ordinary time year A
1 Tim. 6:2c-12 Luke 8:1-3
Theme: The teachings of Christ
In the 1st reading of today from St. Paul’s first letter to Timothy, we are all encouraged to practice the teachings of Christ in our daily lives. It is a way of life that mirrors the life of Christ, as presented to us in the scriptures. It is a way of life that encourages us to embrace righteousness and holiness of life. A life that leads us through the narrow path that will eventually lead us to our heavenly homeland. This is our desire as Christians and children of God, to be where Christ our God is, at the end of our earthly pilgrimage. St. Paul is presenting an invitation to all of us today, and it will be good for us to respond to this wonderful invitation God is extending to us through Paul.
We are privileged people because God has already given us a road map that will lead us to our destination, what is left is for us to make effort and be guided by the map we have. This map is the word of God in the scriptures. By accepting the invitation of Christ to be his follower, we are already on the right path, what is left is for us to make honest effort to continue that path that we have already chosen. This brings me to a very important question, how much effort are you making to study the word of God, and try to live it out in your life? The more we study the word of God, the more we are knowledgeable about the things of God. Sometimes our ignorance of the word of God is used by mischievous people to manipulate us. Let us resolve today to make effort to study the word of God and improve our understanding and knowledge of God.
In the gospel reading of today, we see the generosity of the women who accompanied Jesus and his Apostles in his missionary journey and supported him. They provided for them out of their means. This practice has continued in the church over time. However, it is also important to point out the fact that the church needs your support today in different ways. We can decide to support the church by using our wonderful voice to sing to the glory of God, we can decide to be part of the service ministry, we can decide to serve on the alter, we can decide to lectors and so many other ways. All these varieties of gifts put together will enrich our liturgy and practice of faith. As you do this may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.